Wednesday, November 27, 2002

Fun article by Dave Shiflett on the joys of homebrewing, also in the National Review. From the sounds of it, though, he needs to age his mead another six months or so -- he probably just aged it like a beer.

Another excellent article by Victor Davis Hanson on the odd (and decidedly un-imperial) nature of the so-called "American Empire".

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

I'm sorry, but this editorial from the Guardian is absolutely hilarious.

...If, by 4pm today, his [Blair] lawyers have failed to agree that he will not attack Iraq without a new UN resolution, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament will take the prime minister to court. For the first time in history, the British government may be forced to defend the legality of its war plans in front of a judge.


The judge might decide that the courts don't have the authority to rule on military matters, but if she does agree to hear the case, the chances of winning are high. ... Activists in the US are hoping to launch a similar case.

Compare and contrast with this legal article found via Instapundit.

Mebbe Britain's courts are more tranzi than even the US's courts, but somehow I doubt they're that far out there. I suspect Mr. Montbiot is smoking something again.

Here in the U.S., such a case would be laughed out of court.