Great article by George Schultz in the Washington Post urging the US to get it's ass in gear on Iraq.
Still POd
General rants about computers and politics, neither in that order, nor necessarily related, intertwingled with thoughts on whatever I've been reading lately.
Friday, September 06, 2002
Victor Davis Hanson hits another homer in this imaginary dialog between the US and Europe.
Thursday, September 05, 2002
New Scientist has an article on an attempt to measure the speed of gravity. Should have the results in a few weeks.
According to Einstein, it's less than the speed of light, and probably very close to it or you'd think we'd have noticed by now. But we've never actually been able to measure it up till now (assuming the experiment works of course).
Mark Steyn writes another great article in the Spectator about how 9/11 changed things. Love this paragraph:
Does that mean Bush is a unilateralist? Not at all. Bilateralism is booming. Since 11 September, US-Russian, US-Chinese, US-Indian and US-Turkish relations have all improved, all of which are arguably more important than whether Washington sees eye to eye with Chris Patten. Only a very blinkered, self-absorbed Eurocentric would assume that because Mr Bush (as quoted in The Spectator last week) doesn’t ‘give a shit about the Europeans’, he doesn’t give a shit about anyone else: within a year, for example, the US has built productive relations with the Central Asian republics.And this one, which echoes Meade's essay on the Jacksonian philosophy in US culture:
Everything that mattered after 11 September — Bush’s moral clarity, the decision to hit back hard, the spirit of innovation, and the crystal-clear understanding that this is an enemy beyond negotiation —was present in the final moments of Flight 93. They’re the bedrock American values, the ones you don’t always see because everyone’s yakking about Anna Nicole or the new ‘reality-based’ ‘Beverly Hillbillies’. But we know that, like the Minutemen of the Revolutionary War, when you need them in a hurry they’re always there.
Wednesday, September 04, 2002
Excellent article in the Guardian on how 9/11 really changed the world.