Monday, August 26, 2002

William Kristol on Cheney's Iraq speech. Includes the entire speech.

Another bit on Kuro5hin, this time on reparations for descendents of women.

Kuro5hin is one of those places that is at least as annoyingly leftist (esp transnational progressivist) as it is entertaining, but it's on a roll today.

Star Trek: It's not just for Trekkies anymore.

Great article on Kuro5hin about how to lose your mind (aka "A Gentle Descent into Madness").

I don't know about his fedora idea, though. Always preferred Homburgs myself.

Great article on Kuro5hin about how to lose your mind (aka "A Gentle Descent into Madness").

I don't know about his fedora idea, though. Always preferred Homburgs myself.

Dale Franks has a good article on TechCentralStation on the necessity for more cross-branch training for our military.